Wednesday, 16 August 2017

IFATSEA 7th African Regional Conference and Workshop on ATSEP Licensing, Johannesburg South Africa. 21st -25th August 2017.



I trust this email finds you well.  

As you may be aware that the next 07th IFATSEA Africa Region Meeting & ATSEP Workshop 2017 will be hosted by South Africa, I am writing to you to extend an invitation to you to partake at the upcoming meeting to be held at the Montecasino – South Africa from the 22nd to 25th August 2017. The meeting will be hosted by Air Traffic and Navigation Services (ATNS) State-Owned Company South Africa. 
It is anticipated that the meeting will feature representatives from Member States affiliated to IFATSEA coming from African Region. It will also provide a platform for other stakeholders, including Original Equipment Manufacturers to engage, share experiences and pave a collaborative effort towards realizing the significance of licensing ATSEP’s and the impact it has on closing the missing link in the air safety value chain.    
The Competency Based Training Concept described in the ICAO NGAP Programme  applies to Cockpit Crew, ATCO and ATSEP. Competency is confirmed by issuing licenses to pilots and ATCOs but not yet to ATSEP. The meeting will deliberate on a view that as long as ATSEPs remain out of such
provisions, a link is missing in the ground to air safety chain.

The topic that will be of interest to us for you to partake in during the panel discussion will be “Successes & Lessons on ATSEP Licensing – perspective from Kenya”.  

I will really appreciate your thinking on the request and revert back to us, hopefully with a positive response that would allow us to send you an official invitation letter.

With appreciation,

Sam Mahlangu
Manager:Engineering Training | Aviation Training Acadamy
OR Tambo International Airport, Gate 14, Bonaero Drive, Bonaero Park, South Africa